Typically BigCommerce review takes about 1 weeks. To save your time, we recommend you to go through this process when you finish the basic functionalities of your app and complete rest of the functionalities while BigCommerce reviewers are reviewing your app.


  1. Go to https://devtools.bigcommerce.com/my/apps, and select the App you would like to launch

  2. On App Summary page, fill in all the information. For Partner ID, you will need to apply to be a Technology Partner: https://partners.bigcommerce.com/English

  3. Make sure you select a product Category


  4. On Technical tab, most of the time you will need to choose Multiple Users and Single-Click App Type. If you work with Rutter, we will supply you with the Remove User Callback URL and other Callback URLs.

    1. Make sure you also select only the OAuth scopes you require. If you work with Rutter, we will also guide you through this process.
  5. On the bottom, make sure you input the Test instruction.

    1. We recommend you create a test account on your own service, and only allow that account to authorize BigCommerce store such that BigCommerce reviewers can test the flow end to end, without exposing BigCommerce connection feature to your customers before it's approved by BigCommerce, because if BigCommerce has not approved your app, no other BigCommerce merchant can connect to your app.


  6. On Details page:

    1. If you would like to include video, please make sure you are inputing the Video ID, NOT the video URL. For example, if you want to include a YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdryAKFKW2s, you will need to input HdryAKFKW2s, not the URL itself.
    2. You can leave Case Studies blank as most of Apps won't have it anyways.
  7. Once review everything is good to go, go to Payment & Submission page and submit to review. Please note that there is an one time $99.00 fee for review.